DAY -26💓💓

Today was the 26th day of my intense teaching practice phase 2.

As usual, i went to the school by around 8:50am and signed the attendance register at headmaster 's office. Today i had morning duty. I had duty in opposite of lps from 8:50to 9:15 i done my duty very properly💓💓.

Then we had our prayer at 9:25 am and the classes were started at 9:30am.. As today  is monday. I had period on 9B1 on 6 th hour.. I went to the class on 6th hour. And taught the concept pairs of equations in the classroom🥰..

Then in the last period i and shalu went to take the e-content video for me

She shooted the video of econtent for me

Then we left the school by around 4pm after signing the attendance register❤️




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