7th day ❤️❤️

Today was the 7th day of my internship phase 2.  As usual i reached the school by 8:50 am and then signed the attendance register at headmaster's office. After the morning prayer, at 9:25 am, i did my preparations for the class. Today i had 2 classes on 9G1 and 9B1 on 5th period and 6th period   on the morning section, I engaged in my record works.

And then we had our lunch at 12:30pm then after that, I went to the class 9G1 on 5th period and just started the topic quadrilateral and triangle in the class.

I went to the class 9G1 on 5th period and just started the topic quadrilateral and triangle in the class.🥰🥰🥰

I  just gave an brief introduction about this concept in thr class. Then the class was over by 2:15 pm and i had the class on 9B1 on 6th hour. I went to the class and discusses about the concept fractions, whose denominators aren-t powers of 10 converting into deçimal forms. Then in the evening i had a line duty in between the main gate and bus shed. After my duty is over, I left the school by around 4pm aftering the atteadance register at H. M's office❤️❤️..


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