Assembly Day💞💞

 It was the first assembly wednesday of second semester class🥰..

Today assembly was conducted by first year english students 😍..

They conducted their assembly  very systematically ❤️.. And today,   in the assembly, thought of the day was done by veena chechi.. She delivered it very well..she selected the famous quotes of samuel Beckett for this occasion.. That is

Ever Tried, Ever Failed, No matter, Try Again, Fail Again, and Fail Better.

That lines touched me very much🥰..

Then first   two period was the optional period..

Today Deepthi teacher discussed about the second semester syllabus. And  also she gave  seminar topics to us in order to present.

Today was a cool class🥰

Then next hour was taken by our maya teacher 😘 she today discussed about the rested portions of yesterday' s class❤️.. That chapter was all about Education On Indian Society.

That was a lovable class..


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