Be a _warrior not a _worrier 💪🏻

World Cancer Day.......

Say No To Cancer.... ♥️

 World cancer day is an international day marked on feb 4 to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention and detection, and treatment. World cancer day is led by the union for international cancer control to support the goals of the world cancer declaration, written in 2008.

 Never_ give _ up... Fight with the cancer or whatever it is.... ⚡️

നിങ്ങൾക്ക്‌ ചെയ്യാൻ കഴിവില്ലെന്ന്  മറ്റുള്ളവർ പറയുന്ന കാര്യം ചെയുന്നത് ആണ് ജീവിതത്തിൽ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ സന്തോഷം.                -   WALTER  BAGEHOT

Today first class was commenced by maya teacher. Firstly teacher taught about changes.. And she asked us that what we prefer more morning class or evening class.. Then teacher today discussed about the different forms of Naturalism.And different forms of naturalism are :

   Physical Naturalism

•  Mechanical Naturalism

•  Biological Naturalism

Teacher gave a deeper information about the school of philosophy called : Naturalism.. She said that According to naturalism our brain is also a Matter... That was a  excellent class✨️✨️..

Second hour was taken by Ancy miss.. She started her class by revising the previous portions.... Then she explained about developmental tasks and developmental hazards.. After that, teacher noted the attendance... 😊

Then we had our optional class in 12 pm.. Thought of the day  presented by sruthi was created a vibrant and fresh Start to the class..😍then today seminar  on the topic contributions of great mathematics was presented by Monitha... She told about the great pure mathematician RAMANUJAN. And she elaborated it very well.. 👏
                        Then, Deepthi teacher continued with her portions and she discussed about the curriculum frame work, National Curriculum Framework 2005, and Objectives of Mathematics learning in NCF.. That was an another nice section...
Take every chance in life, because some things only happen once... ✨️❤️


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